Monday, December 21, 2009


December has been usual! I thought I would post some things
I hadn't yet, just for fun!
We had an awesome get together with the girls who are 30 or soon to be. It was great to have a girls night and see each other looking like hot 30 year old MOMS!
Santa! Jake wasn't to impressed, the girls loved him....I loved his belt buckle!

Jake likes to be a boy & create chaos for me to clean up. Right after I
have just cleaned the house.
Birthday party for me and Ben! Grandma and some of the Grand kids!
4 of the 5 best, funniest, greatest kids my mom had!
The very blue cake I made for Ben! It has to be documented because I don't cook!
The awesome est Ginger bread house ever! Aunt Brenda made it for us to put together and decorate. The kids loved it. I loved eating the candy, but not the belly ache so much!
My boy and his CRAZY hair! So cute!
Merry Christmas!


  1. I LOVE the pictures. You look lovely in every one of them. Yes, I think it's fair to say that you are the best 30 year old woman I know! Can I just tell you that you look really good with long earings. Me likey!
    Jake's picture is so freaking cute! And what is up with that vest Jessie is wearing when she is on Santa's lap? Wha? Is that fur or sheep fur? Ca-ray-zay! I love it!

  2. Jen, all me know is you talk a lot!You can borrow the vest! I borrowed Santa's buckle!

  3. Happy 30th Birthday!! Your kids are ao darling!!
