Monday, March 9, 2009

What the SNOW!

I wore sandals like a big dork yesterday because I want it to be warm and springy with green plants and singing birds, but no. I tempted fate and now its snowing and I have gone back into hybernation. I was getting into running again, but now I just want sleepy. I am as big as a bear anyway...ask skylar, she asked me why I was still a little chubby. I almost knocked her silly then remembered I love her with all my heart, so i let it go this once. Why am I still chubby? It wasnt this bad after the girls, but after Jake I am still laden with ruby river steak fat....yeah I was hungry for meat alot. Good thing my kids are cute so people dont look at me in my sweats. I will get some updated pics soon, but not yet....well that was random, better go.


  1. So, I noticed someone wearing sandals the other day and I thought they were a dork too! Oh, make me so happy.

  2. Try working at a store that is selling only shorts, tanks and flip flops! And to top it off they want us to dress in the featured clothes!!! They are high!!! Love you!
